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في أبوغريب مبارك أب وإبن
في جريمة جديدة تكشف حقيقة الفكر الجديد لمبارك الإبن إستمراراً لنهج الأب، وإحياءً لذكري هتكهما لأعراض المصريات يوم تمثيلية الإستفتاء لتمديد ديكتاتوريتهما، إنتهكت مباحث أمن الدولة عرض الناشط محمد الشرقاوي بورق مقوى لربع ساعة تقريبا كما مزقوا ملابسه الداخلية وهددوه بالإغتصاب، كجزء من حفلة تعذيب بشعة تعرض لها في قسم شرطة قصر النيل مع زميله كريم الشاعر.
هذه ذروة الجريمة التي تم إثباتها في محضر تحقيقات نيابة أمن الدولة في مصر الجديدة، لكنها بدأت عقب إنتهاء التظاهرات التضامنية مع القضاة، إذ إختطفت شرطة مبارك الشرقاوي من ناصية شارع معروف وسحلته حتى مدخل عمارة في تقاطع شارعي معروف وطلعت حرب حيث تم ضربه بعنف بالغ، يُذكر كما قال المحامون الذين شاهدوه بالتعذيب الذي تعرض له المعتقلين من التيار الإسلامي، وبعدها نقوله في سيارة شرطة ميكروباس زرقاء اللون مُغمى العينين إلى مكان يُرجح انه قسم قصر النيل الذي إحتجز فيه الشرقاوي 24 ساعة حيث تعرض لمزيد من التعذيب.
وحسب وصف المحامين، لا يخلو جزء من جسد الشرقاوي -تقريبا- من جرح أو كدمة أوتورم، وهو ما يوحي حسب المحامي والناشط الحقوقي جمال عيد أن التعذيب تم بقسوة بالغة بـ"غل" شديد.
بعد خطف الشرقاوي بدقائق كانوا يسحلون الصحفية جيهان شعبان لمجرد تواجد الناشط كريم الشاعر معها وهما متوجهين كل إلى منزله.. ونالت كل من دينا سمك ودينا جميل نصيبهما من السحل لمجرد تواجدهما في نفس المكان، وتعرضت دينا سمك لخدوش وكدمات ولم ترحمها بطنها "المنتفخة" أمامها بحملها في شهرها السادس.
لا حرمة لنساء ولا حتى لحوامل شعار نظام الأب والإبن, ولا لأعراض، ومساواة تامة بين الجنسين في السحل والهتك، تحققت في قسم قصر النيل، إذ لم يتمالك المحامون أنفسهم من بشاعة ما رأوه على أجساد الناشطين.. وكأنهما كانا في (أبوغريب).. مبارك.
إستمرت حفلة التعذيب حسب الناشطين لأربع ساعات كاملة، قبل أن يتسرب لدى زملائهما أنهما في طريقهما للعرض على النيابة، لتنفضح جريمة نظام مبارك الإبن والأب في الحادية عشر والنصف قبل منتصف الليل.
وقاحة نظام مبارك لم تتوقف، فقد وجدت الجرأة لمضايقة المحامين لمحاولة منعهم من حضور التحقيق، وبعد مشادات كلامية وافقت على حضور محامي ثم محاميين ثم ثلاثة محامين.
أمام النيابة أصر الشرقاوي والشاعر على الإكتفاء بإثبات ما تعرضا له من تعذيب ورفضا الإدلاء بأقوالهما إلا أمام قاضي تحقيق منتدب. وطلبا عرضهما للطب الشرعي، وحتى الواحدة ليلاً واصلت النيابة تحقيقاتها، لتقرر بعدها حبسهما 15 يوما بتهمة مخالفة قانون الطوارئ الذي يحظر تجمهر اكثر من خمسة أفراد وعرضهما على الطب الشرعي.. اذا تيسر. وهو ما يعني الإنتظار لغدا السبت على أفضل تقدير.
وقد رفضت النيابة السماح لطبيبة متطوعة بإجراء إسعافات أولية لهما، خاصة مع شكوك وجود كسور في ضلوع الشرقاوي كما رفضت تحويلهما إلى مستشفى للعلاج.
A horrid torture festival in the Mubaraks' Abu Ghraib
Torture and Sodomizing
A new crime reveals Mubarak Jr's new thought to continue his father's approach and to revive the memory of sexually attacking Egyptian women during last year's constitutional referendum that was enacted to extend the Mubarak dictatorship. State Security officers sodomized Mohammed El-Sharkawi, a young activist, using rolled cartoon paper for nearly 15 minutes. They tore his underwear and threatened to rape him. This came as part of the horrid torture festival that Karim Al-Shae'r, another activist, was exposed to in Kasr El Nil Police Station.
This is the peak of the crime that was recorded during interrogations in the State Security Prosecutor Bureau in Misr Al-Gadida. The crime started when they dragged El-Sharkawi on the ground from Ma'rouf st. to the entrance of a building at the cross road of Ma'rouf and Talat Harb streets, where he was brutally beaten. Lawyers who have seen him recalled torture perpetrated against Islamists. Afterwards, El-Sharkawi was blindfolded and taken in a blue microbus to what is thought to be Kasr El Nil Police Station where he was detained for 24 hours. There he was exposed to more torture.
According to lawyers, there is nearly no area on El-Sharkawi's body that is void of bruises, swells, or injury. This insinuates as stated by the lawyer and human rights activist, Gamal Eid, that the torture was perpetrated with extreme "spitefulness". A few minutes after El-Sharkawi was kidnapped, State Security officers were dragging journalist Jihan Shaaban on the ground simply because she was accompanying Karim Al-Sha'er, each going to their home. Dina Samak and Dina Gameel were also dragged on the ground because they were present there. Dina Samak was injured and bruised. The fact that she is six months pregnant did not act as a deterrent to such attacks.
No respect to women and no respect to pregnant women is the slogan of the father and the son. No respect to honor. Both sexes are treated equally when it comes to sexual and physical assaults. Lawyers could not maintain their calmness when they saw the beastly marks of torture all over the activists' bodies. It was as if they were in Abu Ghraib-Mubarak.
According to the activists, the torture festival lasted for four hours before news spread that they are on their way to the prosecutor where the crime of the Mubarak Sr. and Jr. was revealed at around 11:30 pm.
The audacity of Mubarak's regime will not stop. It has found the boldness to harass lawyers and attempt to stop them from attending interrogations. After a verbal quarrel, authorities agreed for one lawyer to attend, then two, then three.
Before the prosecutor, El-Shrakawi and Al-Sha'er insisted that the torture that they have been exposed to should be registered in the interrogation files. They refused to make any statements until they are put before a delegated investigative judge. They demanded that they are sent to the forensic department. Until 1:00 a.m. the prosecutor continued to interrogate them, to decided, at the end, to detain the two activists for 15 days. They are accused of violating emergency law codes that prohibits more than five persons assembling. The prosecutor ordered that they are sent to the forensic department, if possible. This means that we will have to wait until Saturday at the least.
The prosecutor refused to allow a doctor who volunteered to make first aid treatment. There are doubts that El-Sharkawi's ribs are broken. The prosecutor also refused to transfer them to a hospital for treatment.
A new crime reveals Mubarak Jr's new thought to continue his father's approach and to revive the memory of sexually attacking Egyptian women during last year's constitutional referendum that was enacted to extend the Mubarak dictatorship. State Security officers sodomized Mohammed El-Sharkawi, a young activist, using rolled cartoon paper for nearly 15 minutes. They tore his underwear and threatened to rape him. This came as part of the horrid torture festival that Karim Al-Shae'r, another activist, was exposed to in Kasr El Nil Police Station.
This is the peak of the crime that was recorded during interrogations in the State Security Prosecutor Bureau in Misr Al-Gadida. The crime started when they dragged El-Sharkawi on the ground from Ma'rouf st. to the entrance of a building at the cross road of Ma'rouf and Talat Harb streets, where he was brutally beaten. Lawyers who have seen him recalled torture perpetrated against Islamists. Afterwards, El-Sharkawi was blindfolded and taken in a blue microbus to what is thought to be Kasr El Nil Police Station where he was detained for 24 hours. There he was exposed to more torture.
According to lawyers, there is nearly no area on El-Sharkawi's body that is void of bruises, swells, or injury. This insinuates as stated by the lawyer and human rights activist, Gamal Eid, that the torture was perpetrated with extreme "spitefulness". A few minutes after El-Sharkawi was kidnapped, State Security officers were dragging journalist Jihan Shaaban on the ground simply because she was accompanying Karim Al-Sha'er, each going to their home. Dina Samak and Dina Gameel were also dragged on the ground because they were present there. Dina Samak was injured and bruised. The fact that she is six months pregnant did not act as a deterrent to such attacks.
No respect to women and no respect to pregnant women is the slogan of the father and the son. No respect to honor. Both sexes are treated equally when it comes to sexual and physical assaults. Lawyers could not maintain their calmness when they saw the beastly marks of torture all over the activists' bodies. It was as if they were in Abu Ghraib-Mubarak.
According to the activists, the torture festival lasted for four hours before news spread that they are on their way to the prosecutor where the crime of the Mubarak Sr. and Jr. was revealed at around 11:30 pm.
The audacity of Mubarak's regime will not stop. It has found the boldness to harass lawyers and attempt to stop them from attending interrogations. After a verbal quarrel, authorities agreed for one lawyer to attend, then two, then three.
Before the prosecutor, El-Shrakawi and Al-Sha'er insisted that the torture that they have been exposed to should be registered in the interrogation files. They refused to make any statements until they are put before a delegated investigative judge. They demanded that they are sent to the forensic department. Until 1:00 a.m. the prosecutor continued to interrogate them, to decided, at the end, to detain the two activists for 15 days. They are accused of violating emergency law codes that prohibits more than five persons assembling. The prosecutor ordered that they are sent to the forensic department, if possible. This means that we will have to wait until Saturday at the least.
The prosecutor refused to allow a doctor who volunteered to make first aid treatment. There are doubts that El-Sharkawi's ribs are broken. The prosecutor also refused to transfer them to a hospital for treatment.
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